Monday, February 18, 2008

3535 emails sent from work since 8/03 (that I haven't deleted): Selected Excerpts

I've had the same job for seven years, from age 22-29. Recently I was cleaning out my inbox and archives and now and then, some of my old emails made me laugh out loud. I just posted a few excerpts. What I learned about myself going through all those old emails is that in my early twenties I spent much time at work hungover and emailing people about it.

8/25/03 And being Monday I think it can be safety assumed that I am in a horrible shitty crappy flabby mood.

I slept and then I read and then I read and then I slept. I made myself a soy smoothie in between.

I will be down for Christmas most likely though. But thats not the same. I have to be sober for part of that.

I am trying not to think about how I don't want to be here today, because I don't want to be here every day.

I had fun with her family at the fair, I learned a bit (a fairly atom sized amount) of German. For instance I learned 'I am sitting on my butt' which is um, I forget the word for 'I' but then ah, fuck the only word I remember is hinde which is butt. oh well. At first I thought they were teaching me how to say chair so I thought that I was saying 'I am sitting on my chair' but when we got back to Sandra's place and we had a translater than it came out that I was actually saying 'I am sitting on my ass.'

I'm just squanderous with my money when I'm drinking and that is my own damn fault and if I decide to buy you guys dinner, drunk ass Shannon or no, then I guess that's all right.

Love you back, you sweet sweet pumpkin pie.

I helped my sister move last night. A pot house like mine. Hee hee. Of course its more beneficial for her.

Fabulous. I will gorge on taco meat and lettuce.

god help me January is always SO BORING

I have not eeezxpeeerienssed it, in the way you mean. In my heart and in my soul I have also not experienced it. I have, however, experienced it in no way whatsoever.

I don't know... alleys are kind of scary places where nefarious goings on are common and they are notoriously unclean... oh, but good luck!

HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO. Did either one of you read this? DO YOU WANT ME TO HELP YOU? Please read the email below and respond in a timely manner. Like today.
You Can Call Her Oh Bossy One

Yes I will be there though the thought of trying to run again after two months or even more fills me with unimaginable terror.

Oh what a glorious Monday which means oh what a glorious timesheet reminder

Your calendar appears clear but I know that doesn't mean much. Please respond (and if you haven't sent your timesheet yet, shaaaaaame)

Last night I went home and in the dark depths of a good mood I drank a bottle of wine. Needless to say, this morning I suffer.

(I keep on forgetting to refer to him by name so I am practicing in this email. I think it is because I see him as this nameless entity - like, there is a physical presence, a person and I recognize him and am getting to know him. And, in that recognition, I forget that he has a name. I can't explain it. Maybe its just because I don't like the name Bob)

mmmmmm, hmmmmuhhh...i do remember the incident in which the passing of the business card occurred. other things are blurry.

I felt like I had been a little bit of the spectacle last time... a little bit of the very tipsy sideshow and I don't know, I don't want people to be annoyed because of my excessively outgoing personality when I am drunk... opinions?

all this for my boss who - no matter how simple the request SEEMS - will always manage to find the one that will take up all afternoon

11/7/06 Thankyou...…for breakfast. My pounding head thanks you. My belly thanks you. My decidedly undaunted soul thanks you.

don’t think Sanjaya is actually male.

That note was for Meagan. Unless she wants to enlighten you, you shall remain baffled.Wahahahahaha.

I certainly didn't indicate that you were fishing for an invite, I just said you had brought it up with with a laugh sort of thing, telling me how it was legendary...

Heh. I got a lot of no answer at all from Tom. Apparently, there may or may not be remaining PCB containing units that may or may not have been part of your original contract that may or may not need to be removed this summer. He's looking into it. In the meantime, he wanted me to ask YOU what you knew about it. God I love efficiency.

7/11/07 I assume that with your wife in labor the project is temporarily put on hold

Ever feel like getting information out of me is like pulling teeth? Cuz I'm starting to feel like my teeth are being pulled

No, I can't find it and I'm scared to look for it. I didn't sleep at all the night before last but last night, I only woke up once looking for the spider.

I know, but you forget that I get the Shannon's-so-fabulous discount.

Obviously I'mgoing to ask one of my favorite people in the whole world...but the pope was busy, so I'm asking you instead.

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